Sunday, March 19, 2006

Dear IITians

All these excerpts come out from drunken discussions of IITians from B and K, who sat with me drunk enough to speak only truth leaving all their inhibitions I don't know where.

IITians are different! They are different from other people. Not because they are brilliant, not because they got any extraordinary training, but because of the only reason that they "think" they are different.

IIT add something to you! It adds arrogance. It adds a spirit that you are always thinking you are on the top of the world. You don't give the world any damn. You think you are the best! You think no one can beat you. You think that you can win any damn contest, you can do whatever you want to, any time you want. Let me now talk straight to a typical IITian !

My dear IITian ! you are are not the only one. If that doesn't strike your mind, what I want to say, you are just an average student when you come to US and all of the other grad students are sometimes able to do better than you. Of course Manan would never agree to this but I know he is one of the best !

Typically, IITians are known to have done really well in all the fields but yes the training of IIT is not oriented to lead you to do any world class research.

IITians are normal but persons with hi-fi thoughts. They follow their dreams but dear IITian do you know that you have bounded your dreams in a box! You dream a big job which pays you 90-120 K USD. My sister asked me a few years back what my dream job was. Let me have you know what these IITians said. Damn !!!!! What the hell ! If you have a dream job, I say you don't know how to dream. If Bill Gates had a dream job, Microsoft would not have come into existence.

I will complete this soon. Check out later....:)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a frog-in-a-well kind of generalization. its not necessary that all iitians are like the ones you have at madison. :-)

the only thing which is generalizable about iitians is that they are great at problem-solving, which is a part of what doing research is, but it does not ensure that they can always think big too. those are independent properties.

12:16 PM  
Blogger Rohit Malshe said...

Incidentally I think almost the same :) ...These are not my* opinions ! They are the ones from them* By the way...not all are in Madison too...and the Blog was incomplete. Anyway I guess it will get completed this way. Looking for more comments.

12:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IITians, I agree come better trained at graduate schools. I think once they get into a school, they all start from zero with people from other schools. Same thing is true once you enter an industry environment. The company that recruited you, from say UW Madison, may also recruit people from the LasVegas university. What matters is how you cope up with the situations. Why not even one of the IITians is in the Nobel laurate list? I think I agree with you Rohit.

5:37 PM  
Blogger Rohit Malshe said...

Well, coming to Nobel, they are prizes awarded in Science. IITians are engineers and once they join graduate schools, they do applied research which is usually oriented towards development in industries. So they do really well in industries but they can't get nobel prizes.
Those who join sciences should try really hard. Some day an IITian will definitely get it I guess.

6:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

IITs is a place where we can see the best of the Indian talent just like IIM.Though,on a global scenario IIM is not among top 100 institutes.In India it is easy to flaunt if u r an alumini from any of these but its good to be humble and learn from others if they seem to be more knowlegable..

9:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nowadays no one really cares where you come from, and what matters in the end is if you know your stuff. Doesn't matter if you're from IIT or MIT. And yes, the IITians do have an air around them in general, but some of them are different as well. If you watch Donald Trump's show - The Apprentice, you'll notice that most of the winners in that show aren't from Harvard, or Wharton. There are candidates from some Univs. which no one has even heard of and they've come on top. I've seen some shows when guys from Princeton/Harvard beaten by this another guy's group who was from a small Univ. So the point is, the IITians (in general) have that same cliche` mentality. They need to grow up for sure and agree that there is always someone else better..

10:52 PM  

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