Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Human research one.

Disclaimers first - 
1. If you were a part of the study, please do not mind ! 
2. If you liked or disliked it, feel free to post the comments but I reserve the right to censor those. 
3. This was only for fun. I do not guarantee the conclusions derived and decisions taken on the basis of this human research. 
4. You can still take part in this research but then you will be subjected to research*. That is, you know about the stats and then you are taking part in it.

Now the thing in question! 

This was a human research done on a few people whom I had known since long. There was a balance of males to females ratio, married to unmarried ratio and all the ratios one can think of. The sample set was substantially big to derive preliminary conclusions. 

People were given two view-points and asked to take a stand. The two viewpoints were as follows.  

Standpoint 1 
" Pati parmeshwar hota hai " which means that for a wife, her husband is everything ! 

Standpoint 2
" Pati joru ka gulam hota hai " which means that for a wife, her husband is a slave !! 

All answers can be categorized into following three groups based on their commonness  - 

Answer 1 - " Pati na to parmeshwar hota hai na hi joru ka gulam hota hai - pati ek insaan hota hai, dost hota hai. "

Answer 2 
" Yes I totally agree with standpoint one ! " 

Answer 3 
" Sawalon jawaboon me kya rakha hai, shadi ho jaye to pati baas joru ka gulam hota hai " 

And now the results - how do we divide all the people in various categories ?

Well - almost all the girls chose Answer 1. I would consider all of them to be smart, educated, and talented. Whether they were married or not had no implication on the answer. I am still to find a single girl who chooses standpoint 1. 

Very few girls chose standpoint 2

Unmarried guys chose Answer 2
Married guys chose Answer 3

So now the observations - 

Well - if you really read everything upto this point, then you do not need to read further. You can derive the conclusions. I will give only my observations. 

Guys tend to take a stand !! Whether it is wrong or right, whether it is based on speculations or experience.

Girls do not take a stand. They have their own viewpoint. 


Blogger P said...

how can u conclude that girls dont take a stand and they just have a view point???????????????????????????????????

12:59 PM  
Blogger Rohit Malshe said...

Well, its an observation and not a conclusion. To conclude I think the study needs to be expanded further.

So for this study the outcome with the limited research was that all the girls chose to not take a stand and simply gave their view-points !

May be the stands were just too harsh on either side, but still, guys chose to take stands and not give their view-points.

Again - not a conclusion, just an observation !

Cheers !

1:13 PM  
Blogger Ankur Gupta said...

nice one .. i should have seen that conclusion

6:47 PM  

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