Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Happy B Day Andy !

Today we had Anand's B day celebrated at his house.

11:50 Almost Midnight. Assignments pending. But !! Andy is a friend!! Guys and gals started collecting at his house. We were Shank, Vishal, Prateek, myself, Sriram, Daphne, Shubhika, Isha and Namrata and Sunil! Difficult to judge if guys and gals took pains to come to actually celebrate andy's b day or it was the cake that pulled them to oak tree. Sometimes in my case, I have found cake to be the dominating thing :D

So ...here we go....in american style...:)

Food first: Sunil did a great job by purchasing the big chocolate cake, making fruit custard and we had ice-cream and coke etc. Sunil...you will get a foodie wife don't worry...I sometimes think who is going to be such a lucky gal :) I scream...You scream...we all scream...and Isha screams even louder and keeps and can keep screaming...for Ice-cream....But dear Andy ( In american accent- Andae) ! if you happen to read this blog( of course I will ensure you don't miss this)! don't guess I was there for the cake :) I was there for you dude :D (Let the inside feeling only come out of me that I was there for cake).

(Lucky Andy) Isha, prateek and Sriram brought a very nice greeting card on which all of us signed ( does it increase the value of the card for you andy ?) and some gifts for Andy. So thanks to them :) Andy you have thanked them already right ? All these are investments made for returns dude...so don't forget to treat them :)well. Remember they haven't taken Indian food since long. And we miss pizza...:) Sunday is a good day always Andy!

Sriram and Shank have done that job, so I hope we all get to see some of those snaps soon. If you happen to upload them to yahoo Shank, please let us know the link :)

Games:Dumb C the only popular game amongst these guys and gals...:) Shank really made us laugh...out loud...:) Keep doing that till you are here...:)
And it was almost 1:40 by the time most of us started feeling sleepy...so we all left and left the things to be cleaned by Andy( Sorry dude its difficult to do that at midnight...:) I might have helped you if it was day :D But !!!!!!! haven't you collected these sweet memories for ever ? I am sure you have :)
Andy! I hereby wish you a very happy B day dude ! Long you live....big things you do...! God bless you :) Don't bother to say thanks :D
~dont expect any gift from me...this is the best I can do...:) ~ R


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey dude!! Thanx for the vivid description.. I can send it back home to my folks!!!

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude i thot chemical at wisc wood be taxing..guess u r rewriting the record books!! way to go..btw y the f cant u send this link to everyone?? or does the list stop with asuri???

2:55 PM  
Blogger Rohit Malshe said...

Its taxing...but I like to write blogs. And I sent that to all I guess! Din't you get that ?

8:01 PM  

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