Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Murphy's law of tickets !

I had booked flight in united airlines on 17th morning but till 16th eve I could not get my passport at home. I had to cancel the flight and postpone it which was in waiting.

I left early in the morning for New delhi and called up the consulate to know about the dispatch details of the passport. They said they were not able to trace where it was. They only told that they had dispatched it

My father went to post office in the morning and in the afternoon to check if it had come. We had planned that if it comes before 3:00 p.m. my parents would bring it to New Delhi. At 3:00 they confirmed it had not come. At 3:30 I cancelled the ticket and postponed it to 23rd in waiting.

At 4:00 I had taken return bus to my home when I got a call from home that passport had come.

Had it been possible for me to cancel it at 5:00, the passport would have come at 5:30. This is nothing but Murphy' s law of ticket cancellation.


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