Tata Motors recently launched this 100000 INR Car in India. The much anticipated $2,500 car, an ultra-cheap price tag will bring car ownership into the reach of tens of millions of people. Company Chairman Ratan Tata, introduced the ‘Nano’ during India's main auto show, drove onto a stage in a white version of the tiny four-door subcompact, his head nearly touching the roof.
With a snub nose and a sloping roof, the world's cheapest car can fit five people provided they squeeze. And the basic version is spare: there's no radio, no passenger-side mirror and only one windshield wiper. The chairman insists the car will meet safety standards and pollute even less than motorcycles, passing domestic and European emission standards and averaging about 50 miles per gallon (20 kilometers per liter). For now, the car will be sold only in India, but Tata has said it eventually hopes to export it. The Nano could become the basis for other similar super-cheap models in developing markets around the world.
However a huge influx of cars is a terrifying prospect of traffic jams at midnight, hours-long commutes and increasing pollution. In 2005, Indian vehicles released 219 million tons of carbon dioxide, the leading greenhouse gas blamed for global warming. Imagine the amount of heat generated by the burning of equivalent gasoline. By 2035, that number is projected to increase to 1,467 million tons, due largely to the expanding middle-class and the expected rise of low-cost cars.
I would anticipate launch of similar models by other car manufacturers in near future.
So good luck to the road makers, traffic controllers and pollution control boards!! – Guys – this is the alert signal for you !
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