Thermodynamics paper :(
[A law] is more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises, the more different are the kinds of things it relates, and the more extended its range of applicability. Therefore, the deep impression which classical thermodynamics made on me. It is the only physical theory of universal content, which I am convinced, that within the framework of applicability of its basic concepts will never be overthrown.
Albert Einstein, quoted in M.J. Klein, Thermodynamics in Einstein's Universe, in Science, 157 (1967), p. 509.
And for the same reason: We study the greatest subject of inetrest in Chemical Engineering: Thermodynamics.
The lectures are so interesting which compel to think a lot on how the systems will behave in what conditions.
The law that entropy always increases -- the second law of thermodynamics -- holds I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations - then so much worse for Maxwell equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observation - well these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of Thermodynamics, I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation.
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, in The Nature of the Physical World. Maxmillan, New York, 1948, p. 74.
After a while, in fact after third semester when I took the UG thermodynamics paper during the end semester, I felt the same about a paper.
Its not that it was difficult to solve, but only the fact that it was thermodynamics made me feel sick since the morning.
having solved all the questions of the book which I guess I have done after a long time after IIT JEE :D I was confident that the questions appearing in the paper would be similar and I would be able to solve those. But when this happens, one loses the control over mind and one has to write all the fundamental equations right from the dU = (dU/ds)*ds ...... etc etc ( please read as partial differentials)....and has to derive all the maxwell relations right there right then.
Lots of equations in the thermodynamics with utmost carefulness required in derivatives, signs of the values, what has to be kept constant and what changes, what depends on what, when can you integrate and when you cant makes it really difficult in terms of solving problems though it is the subject in which you can start to write the equations right from the beginning and can get from anywhere to anywhere.
I need to work harder. I know. More practice, more problem solving, more assignments, and then it is fun ! :) Anyway....this is what the great scientists have to say :)
"Where the world ceases to be the stage for personal hopes and desires, where we, as free beings, behold it in wonder, to question and to comtemplate, there we enter the realm of art and of science. If we trace out what we behold and experience through the language of logic, we are doing science; if we show it in forms whose interrelationships are not accessible to our conscious thought but are intutitively recognized as meaningful, we are doing art. Common to both is the devotion to something beyond the personal, removed from the arbitrary."
A. Einstein
Visualization - you keep repeating that", he (Feynman) said to another historian, Silvan S. Schweber, who was trying to interview him
Feynman: "What I am really try to do is bring birth to clarity, which is really a half-assedly thought-out-pictorial semi-vision thing. I would see the jiggle-jiggle-jiggle or the wiggle of the path. Even now when I talk about the influence functional, I see the coupling and I take this turn - like as if there was a big bag of stuff - and try to collect it in away and to push it.It's all visual. It's hard to explain."
Schweber: "In some ways you see the answer - ?"
Feynman: "The character of the answer, absolutely. An inspired method of picturing, I guess. Ordinarily I try to get the pictures clearer, but in the end the mathematics can take over and be more efficient in communicating the idea of the picture."
"In certain particular problems that I have done it was necessary to continue the development of the picture as the method before the mathematics could be really done."
Things otherwise are moving just fine with food and assignments.
Albert Einstein, quoted in M.J. Klein, Thermodynamics in Einstein's Universe, in Science, 157 (1967), p. 509.
And for the same reason: We study the greatest subject of inetrest in Chemical Engineering: Thermodynamics.
The lectures are so interesting which compel to think a lot on how the systems will behave in what conditions.
The law that entropy always increases -- the second law of thermodynamics -- holds I think, the supreme position among the laws of Nature. If someone points out to you that your pet theory of the universe is in disagreement with Maxwell's equations - then so much worse for Maxwell equations. If it is found to be contradicted by observation - well these experimentalists do bungle things sometimes. But if your theory is found to be against the second law of Thermodynamics, I can give you no hope; there is nothing for it but to collapse in deepest humiliation.
Sir Arthur Stanley Eddington, in The Nature of the Physical World. Maxmillan, New York, 1948, p. 74.
After a while, in fact after third semester when I took the UG thermodynamics paper during the end semester, I felt the same about a paper.
Its not that it was difficult to solve, but only the fact that it was thermodynamics made me feel sick since the morning.
having solved all the questions of the book which I guess I have done after a long time after IIT JEE :D I was confident that the questions appearing in the paper would be similar and I would be able to solve those. But when this happens, one loses the control over mind and one has to write all the fundamental equations right from the dU = (dU/ds)*ds ...... etc etc ( please read as partial differentials)....and has to derive all the maxwell relations right there right then.
Lots of equations in the thermodynamics with utmost carefulness required in derivatives, signs of the values, what has to be kept constant and what changes, what depends on what, when can you integrate and when you cant makes it really difficult in terms of solving problems though it is the subject in which you can start to write the equations right from the beginning and can get from anywhere to anywhere.
I need to work harder. I know. More practice, more problem solving, more assignments, and then it is fun ! :) Anyway....this is what the great scientists have to say :)
"Where the world ceases to be the stage for personal hopes and desires, where we, as free beings, behold it in wonder, to question and to comtemplate, there we enter the realm of art and of science. If we trace out what we behold and experience through the language of logic, we are doing science; if we show it in forms whose interrelationships are not accessible to our conscious thought but are intutitively recognized as meaningful, we are doing art. Common to both is the devotion to something beyond the personal, removed from the arbitrary."
A. Einstein
Visualization - you keep repeating that", he (Feynman) said to another historian, Silvan S. Schweber, who was trying to interview him
Feynman: "What I am really try to do is bring birth to clarity, which is really a half-assedly thought-out-pictorial semi-vision thing. I would see the jiggle-jiggle-jiggle or the wiggle of the path. Even now when I talk about the influence functional, I see the coupling and I take this turn - like as if there was a big bag of stuff - and try to collect it in away and to push it.It's all visual. It's hard to explain."
Schweber: "In some ways you see the answer - ?"
Feynman: "The character of the answer, absolutely. An inspired method of picturing, I guess. Ordinarily I try to get the pictures clearer, but in the end the mathematics can take over and be more efficient in communicating the idea of the picture."
"In certain particular problems that I have done it was necessary to continue the development of the picture as the method before the mathematics could be really done."
Things otherwise are moving just fine with food and assignments.
abey malshe y r u so obsessed with thermo d??? ofcourse i see u r trying to justify tht..but still cant understand!!
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